Saturday 2 October 2021

Are Expectations Always Predictable?

 Prediction leads to expectations

Humans the being that can never stop expecting or predicting. Predictions of what will happen next often lead to tieing up expectations. Whether you believe it or not, we humans in some way or the other hold expectations even from the tiniest of things. It may be for a relationship to grow, a deal to get finalized, or even a dinner date.


In my years of growing up, I have always felt the need to expect things from others. Whether it be with my parents taking me out or me getting maximum marks in school. But all those things made me more weak and vulnerable. The thought of my expectations not getting fulfilled was horrifying enough. And if those "Expectations" were not fulfilled I would make myself sad.

(By making myself sad, I mean literally giving me reasons to be sad over mere expectations that were not even going to be completed)

The idea of the expectations failing has made me horrified to a level that I fear expecting things from others. The expectations often lead to lack of acceptance. Let's take an example; I expected that a friend to always stay by my side. But the minute I knew the friend was going to leave me, I couldn't accept that fact. 

For me, expectations have also led to me, not respecting the people with love and care who are truly making me be at my best. 


Following up, predictions are the judgments of how a scenario will occur. We often predict things in a way that we don't even realize what we are actually doing. Predicting how a scene or the flow of life raises the bar of expecting from that particular scene. And as the cycle of expectations works, failure leads to ignorance and denial.

Denying facts after they have failed makes it difficult for you to be at a place where you want to be happy and satisfied. For example; Recently, I predicted how the next few months of my life would be, but the tiniest reality check made me go the path of denial and anxiousness.

Is it Always Easier to Predict?

Yes, it is easier to predict. But, what we fail to understand is that the prediction can go different paths. A wrong path can make you sad, depressed, anxious, and shocked. 

"Life Is Not Predictable"

We all have heard this. But, how many of us truly believe in it? We often build a dam from predictions
to expectations and the mere pressure of reality gets it all broken. It is necessary that we always keep in mind, the importance of not expecting things and realize how important it is to live in the present and not in some fantasy world. 

At last, I would like to say that it is easier to stay happy by expecting and predicting but it is important to live in the reality.

Thank you, for reading an actual brain dump <3
Share your experience with predictions and expectations in the comment section below.

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