Sunday 7 January 2024

Every Beginning is Not a New One

 Beginnings are NOTHING NEW! 

You get into the new year with a spirit to start something new, but what happened to the beginning you started the previous year or the year before that? Beginnings are not always about a "big deal", it's about taking care of the small things and giving your 100% in improving them. This means, putting extra effort and brains into something you started. For example, if you made a goal of getting healthier, you could put in some extra effort to work on it by adding a target. 

Let's try to understand the different perspectives of beginning from the start: 

What are beginnings? 

Beginnings as vocalised in local languages are the start or onset of a new chapter. But if we think broadly, beginnings are about taking the extra effort to work an extra mile for something you might have started earlier too. Its meaning is not just restricted to the evolution of start, but it also transcends to giving yourself a push after a long break. 

For example, let's take spirituality. Most of our parents have told us the meaning and importance of spirituality in our childhood, provided only 60% of us actually retain and follow it through our lives. But when you grow old and experienced, there is a point when you regain that belief and fall back to it. This might come in twenty or thirty years or might just be there in your head for a long. Would you consider this a beginning? 

For me yes! Anything big or important that I am learning again for the second, third, or even the millionth time is a beginning for me. Hence, instead of making a fresh list of resolutions, I decided to pick up things that I had left incomplete and work on them first. And trust me, acting on things is far better than creating new things and working on them. 

@2023 Recap

2023 like any other year, was quite electrifying. I learned, grew, and most importantly picked myself back up. From the slightest of things to shifting to a new city, 2023 was not short of a storm for me. I definitely made new acquaintances, left a few people behind, and held onto a few who helped me grow. Whether it be taking an extra turn, or just working on the same thing, I learned many new things and invested in myself. (That's the best investment I could make)

More than anything, 2023 opened many new horizons for me and gave me the beginnings to work on for the next season of life. I understood that making a big deal out of things is not something I want to do and hence, it's better to just work on something existing and excel in that first. 

The new perspectives and new changes helped me see life from a vision I would not have explored living in my small zone. Hence some of my key learnings this year were: 

  1. Life is simple. Live it simple. 
  2. Invest in what makes you satisfied and not happy. 
  3. Give yourself a chance to grow before judging. 
  4. Keep learning no matter what!
  5. People can be good too. 
  6. Be present! 
What were your key learnings? Share with me in the comments.
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Until the next blog, make sure to mark your beginning and start acting on it! 

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