Thursday 8 July 2021

Becoming By Michelle Obama

Genre: Memoir           

Michelle Obama has always been an inspiration for me and for all the women out there. She has stood proudly with her identity and her work. She is an American attorney and an author who left her mark on the society by being the First African-American lady of the United States

The book "Becoming" is a memoir of a daughter, wife, mother, activist, lawyer and most importantly one of the leading women in the world. The book is primarily divided into three parts. The length might seem too much for some people but once you start reading it, you will get hooked up to how beautifully the thoughts and facts of a growing woman have been woven together.

First Part

To Love and Cherish your Beloved.                                                        

The first part of the book talks about Michelle Obama's life as a teen. The obvious love affairs, anxiety and curiosity experienced by teenagers(I still experience it :D). The main role in carving her as the woman she is now is of her family. They taught her humanity and most importantly how to respect everyone. 

The fact that she courageously faces all her problems and sees them as a chance to improve herself rather than being anxious about them is something that left a huge impact on me. As a human, we all make mistakes but what is important is how we overcome them with confidence fearlessly. 

Note: Even if you fail, just remember you tried and learn from it to strike back harder.

Second Part

The second part is based on her journey of finding her partner. By the time she passed school, she had dated a few guys and she never expected the next one would be the best one. As a part of growing, she learnt how amiably Barack Obama would show affection to her.

At first, it was difficult for the two to keep a track of their family time but with time they grew and graduated to "BECOMING US". The journey was challenging but taught them some of the most amazing lessons.

Note: Never ever lose your OWN identity. 

Third Part

The last part of Becoming talks about the struggle of being the "Presidents' Wife". It shows the change in Obama family's life when they were under surveillance and were guarded everytime. It shows Barack Obama's journey in becoming the President of US.

Note: Be grateful for even the smallest thing in your life.

Personal views

I personally loved the book. The idea of getting into the personal life and learning so much about your role model is really attractive to me. The book is bold, independent and inspiring. If you know me personally know how much I love knowing and grasping the best lessons from people's life.

Do Share how you the book treated you or leave book recommendations(PLEASE) in the comment section below <3.

For more heart to heart talks write to me at .

Picture Courtesy: Amishi :)


  1. Was waiting for the right motivation to read the Book and i think found it ;)

  2. I have to read this now toooo♡


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