Friday 27 August 2021

The Book Thief Or More?

 "I am Haunted by Humans"


The saying at the start would give you a great idea of what "The Book Thief" will talk about. The Book Thief is a beautiful story covering the life of a small girl; her hardships and her infinite love for reading books. The book is a Novel Historian fiction that revolves around the lives of people during the Nazi- German war.

Why this book?

I am someone who hated Social Studies throughout her life and reading a historical referenced book was somewhat really weird for me. The hype of the book made me want to read it. Trust me I won't lie I did get bored while reading this, but sooner or later I developed a sense of bond with the book.

The book covers a variety of genres including political, fiction, romance and mystery. The fact that the book is narrated by DEATH itself, symbolizes to the infinite deaths that are caused by wars. The book talks about the life of Liesel and her rough back story.

Liesel is left by her own birth mother to foster parents. She faced tragedies from the very start of her life. At first, she finds it hard to adjust at her new house, but with time she gets acquainted with the place and her family members. She starts reading and stealing books from different people but mostly from the Mayor's wife.

Liesel meets a lot of people who gradually form a different character:
  • Hans Huberman who is Liesel's foster father teaches her to real and play. He also plays an accordion.
  • Rudy who is Liesel's lover, falls for her innocence and beauty. Gradually the two fall in love.
  • Max who is a Jewish man lived in their basement hidden from the Nazis. 

What I loved about the book?

The book is a piece of art that has been woven beautifully besides the tragedies that takes place in the book. Liesel's relationships with different characters have been portrayed really well. Rudy and Liesel's love story elevates when they both start falling in love with each other. The old love school romance is something that would make you ship them together. The small gestures and the firsts are the highlight of their love story.

Liesel develops a homely relation with Jewish man Max. Liesel shows him her manuscripts and little book entries. The illustrations  of the manuscripts in the book makes the book adorable. The book is brutal but will make you fall in love with each and every character. The book however ends on a tragic note(READ IT TO KNOW).

NOTE: Most of the things I have already covered before but being a fast reader the book might be a little bit boring at the start. But the book will start producing it's effect on you over time and you will get hooked up. The beautiful illustrations and the plot gets an extra star from me. 

If you have read the book or plan to read it, do let me know in the comments below :)
Also write to me for book recommendations.

Thankyou for reading. You made my day. <3

Friday 20 August 2021

Feeling MIA

So, I have been contemplating writing a blog since two weeks now. Every time I think of writing something there is a huge wave that swirls around telling me how I just want to sleep and do nothing. 

But, after all this time of pushing myself I thought if I should write a blog on how I am feeling these days. The feeling where I just feel like I will miss everything. The feeling of being busy but still feeling idle. I feel most of us go through this stage, when we just feel like we are overwhelmed with so much that we start feeling we are missing on so much things.

For me, these thoughts often lead be being envious of others who are doing something. This is one of the main reason why I feel being at a back step. MIA that is missing in action, basically means the feeling of being out of something that you wanted to do. This might lead you to be envious, disheartened or sad that you are not in a particular situation.

Let's take a small example, your friends plan an outing but due to any reason you could not be a part of it. You really wanted to go there(like go eat at Jama Masjid :(), but because of certain unavoidable circumstances you couldn't. Now, when the pictures of the day comes out the feeling of MIA starts hitting you hard.

(Taking this example since we have all been through this)

What Next?

What next after the feeling of MIA starts hitting you? You start feeling sad and disappointed. You start overthinking building up a billion thoughts in your mind and then a point comes where you feel like everything you have been doing is wrong. You were supposed to be at some place but you weren't there. This same feeling makes you feel anxious and in turn all your tasks gets delayed.

And you all know, how anxiety is a whole new world to put yourself into. Instead of getting yourself out of this feeling there is a whole new world that starts pulling you down. As a result, you keep delaying tasks, start feeling grumpy and all your effort tends to loose. What will this put you into? Yes, you guessed it right. You will start feeling MIA again and the cycle will repeat.

All this, will keep on repeating till you pull yourself out of this menace and start working on yourself. But trust me I know how bad it feels, when you just want to lay in bed but the restlessness doesn't let you do anything. Being an extrovert this is something hard to get yourself out of, when you rather want to be at every single place.

Ways to get yourself out of this feeling

Here's a list of all the best things I did in order to get myself out of this feeling:
  • ACCEPT the fact that you CANNOT be at every place. 
  • Journal. Can't stress more on how journaling helps you dump all thoughts.
  • Meditate
  • Get yourself engaged into some art.
  • APPRECIATE where you are and what you are doing.
  • Live in the moment(or try to :))
  • Stay away from social media, it will only make you more anxious.
  • Read a book/watch a movie. 
Feeling MIA
May this help you find peace <3

Thankyou, for reading my blog :)
NOTE: I am extremely sorry if my blog triggered you but hey, we can talk about this. So, write to me

Sending love and peace :D

Saturday 7 August 2021

Are Non-Fictions Boring?

 Fate cannot be avoided,

Destiny must be chased and brought to fruition

 Being a fiction reader it gets really hard to pull out a non-fiction as your next read. I am a person who wants to get motivated to read by looking at the storyline. While most of the readers enjoy the story and motivational messages involved in non-fictions, I just find them to be a lil bit boring and monotonous.

Barking up the wrong tree

Recently, in the quarantine I read "Barking Up The Wrong Tree". The book is a non- fiction and hence got me into the pre-assumption that it will be boring. Trust me this one time I just left it after five pages. But one day, I sat down and finally decided to read through it. The book grows into breaking all the myths and establishing itself on a ground where you start enjoying it.

Try things, 
quit what falls,

then apply grit

The book is based on facts and stories that can be easily implemented in your life. It makes you question about things you have just been ignoring in your life. Plus all those fancy words and synonyms of productivity will make sense as you grow through the book. 

The facts are not mere figures, but descriptions that will hold you onto reading the book further. The tasks appointed within the chapters can be easily implemented and hence will motivate you to work. With each tick mark you cross, the pace of your progress will follow an upward trajectory. 

Why to read it?

  • The stories of real life people and how the facts helped them will motivate you to read further.
  • Chapter summary along with the pointers at the end will connect you to every underlying meaning.

  • Connection with previous topics helps you retain what you have read so far increasing the chances to committing to the work.
  • As described, the book talks about the real science about how things work that makes it honest, relatable and more practical.
  • The topics are on target and will hook you up to read further.

My takings from the book

The book talks about productivity and success in a very innovative way and you get me anything innovative I will get hooked up to it. Some of the lines that I took along while reading are:
  • In the right environment, bad can be good and good can be beautiful.
  • If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
  • People who surround us, often determine who we become.
  • Bad behavior is strong in the short run, but good behavior wins over in the long run.
  • We must be careful in who we pretend to be.
  • WOOP: Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan

Comment down your current read <3

Also do tell me if you have read this book and share your views, will be sharing them through my blog.
Write to me at

Thankyou for reading🌸

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