Friday 20 August 2021

Feeling MIA

So, I have been contemplating writing a blog since two weeks now. Every time I think of writing something there is a huge wave that swirls around telling me how I just want to sleep and do nothing. 

But, after all this time of pushing myself I thought if I should write a blog on how I am feeling these days. The feeling where I just feel like I will miss everything. The feeling of being busy but still feeling idle. I feel most of us go through this stage, when we just feel like we are overwhelmed with so much that we start feeling we are missing on so much things.

For me, these thoughts often lead be being envious of others who are doing something. This is one of the main reason why I feel being at a back step. MIA that is missing in action, basically means the feeling of being out of something that you wanted to do. This might lead you to be envious, disheartened or sad that you are not in a particular situation.

Let's take a small example, your friends plan an outing but due to any reason you could not be a part of it. You really wanted to go there(like go eat at Jama Masjid :(), but because of certain unavoidable circumstances you couldn't. Now, when the pictures of the day comes out the feeling of MIA starts hitting you hard.

(Taking this example since we have all been through this)

What Next?

What next after the feeling of MIA starts hitting you? You start feeling sad and disappointed. You start overthinking building up a billion thoughts in your mind and then a point comes where you feel like everything you have been doing is wrong. You were supposed to be at some place but you weren't there. This same feeling makes you feel anxious and in turn all your tasks gets delayed.

And you all know, how anxiety is a whole new world to put yourself into. Instead of getting yourself out of this feeling there is a whole new world that starts pulling you down. As a result, you keep delaying tasks, start feeling grumpy and all your effort tends to loose. What will this put you into? Yes, you guessed it right. You will start feeling MIA again and the cycle will repeat.

All this, will keep on repeating till you pull yourself out of this menace and start working on yourself. But trust me I know how bad it feels, when you just want to lay in bed but the restlessness doesn't let you do anything. Being an extrovert this is something hard to get yourself out of, when you rather want to be at every single place.

Ways to get yourself out of this feeling

Here's a list of all the best things I did in order to get myself out of this feeling:
  • ACCEPT the fact that you CANNOT be at every place. 
  • Journal. Can't stress more on how journaling helps you dump all thoughts.
  • Meditate
  • Get yourself engaged into some art.
  • APPRECIATE where you are and what you are doing.
  • Live in the moment(or try to :))
  • Stay away from social media, it will only make you more anxious.
  • Read a book/watch a movie. 
Feeling MIA
May this help you find peace <3

Thankyou, for reading my blog :)
NOTE: I am extremely sorry if my blog triggered you but hey, we can talk about this. So, write to me

Sending love and peace :D


  1. This is really very relatable for me, at this point of time in life. I could actually feel each and every word of it. Loved it. Good to know that someone else also feels the same way <3

  2. Pooorvi , that's so so relatable , I just loved it as usual❤


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